Learning through AI

Artificial intelligence, now in your knowledge


13,939 total skills

Our Artificial Intelligence algorithms normalise your skills, whether they are soft skills or technical skills.

Management, technical and non-technical.

Take the power to decide where to aim your
new skills for your organisation.

    + 44,000 organisations.
  • 146 countries worldwide.
  • 9 EIT KICs.
With the possibility of filtering by topics, such as Artificial Intelligence or the health sector.
Adjust your target with the number of employees in your organisation to compare your skills with organisations of a similar size.
Descripción de la imagen

+ 44,000 organisations

Organisations from all sectors spread throughout Europe to compare skills.

    134,432 Professionals.
  • + 150 roles.
  • 3 categories: Manager, technical and non-technical.
With the possibility of filtering by topics, such as Artificial Intelligence or the health sector.
Adjust your target with the number of employees in your organisation to compare your skills with organisations of a similar size.
Descripción de la imagen

+ 42,000 courses

Standardized courses and masters that are recommended to your organisation.

Descripción de la imagen
    34 differents languages.
  • Obtain the best
  • recommendation to learn

International collaboration

Find organisations that need your strengths and help you with your weaknesses.